Sunday, September 16, 2007

Press for Truth Packs Theater on 9/11
Minnesota Change Brings Together Audience of 700 on Sixth Anniversary to Demand 9/11 Questions Be Answered, Including Film Producers, Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura and Victim's Family Members | September 14, 2007

Minnesota WeAreChange brought together more than 700 audience members to ask questions about what really happened in the September 11 attacks during a packed screening of 9/11 Press for Truth, which had three of the film's producers in attendance, as well as Catherine Statz, a woman who lost her sister during the events at the Pentagon.

Also in attendance was former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, who has gone on the record questioning 9/11. Ventura has particularly noted the lack of air defenses on 9/11 when NORAD should have scrambled fighter jets to handle hijacked aircraft automatically. His questions appear in Terrorstorm: Special Edition during an interview from September 2006.

The large group that assembled for the 9/11 Press for Truth screening attracted news crews in Minnesota, including local FOX9 whose coverage is included in the clip below.

Clearly, those who question the official story of September 11 have made an impact, standing out as a visible force demanding truth about what remains a painful and deceptive point in the nation's history.

FOX 9 is commendable for suggesting that questions of accountability are appropriate as people continue to question 9/11 and demand the truth-- all the more so for giving those questions equal coverage alongside other memorials and events taking place on the anniversary.

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