The Modern History Project | Featured commentary: Propaganda, Terrorism and Hypocrisy |
- • The True Story of 9/11 by Stanley Monteith (2006, 5 parts)
- Using the attacks of 2001-09-11 as a pretext for global conflict
- • Brotherhood of Darkness by Stanley Monteith (2000, 4 parts)
- Secret societies and the Luciferian conspiracy (condensed edition)
- • The Demonic Roots of Globalism by Gary Kah (1995, 6 parts)
- Occult societies, the New Age movement, and the New World Order (condensed edition)
- • Final Warning: A History of the New World Order by David Rivera (1994, 36 parts)
- Illuminism and the master plan for world domination
- • George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography by Webster Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin (1991, 39 parts)
- The rise of the Bush dynasty and the political career of George H.W. Bush
- • America's Secret Establishment by Antony C. Sutton (1986, 9 parts)
- An Introduction to The Order of Skull and Bones (condensed editon)
- • Fire In the Minds of Men by David Chilton (1984, 3 parts)
- Synopis of the book by J.H. Billington documenting the history of Illuminist revolutions
- • The World Order by Eustace Mullins (1984, 14 parts)
- The history and practices of the parasitic financial elite
- • Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins (1983, 18 parts)
- The history, organization and controlling interests behind the Federal Reserve
- • Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton (1976, 14 parts)
- How western capitalists funded Hitler and National Socialism
- • Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony C. Sutton (1974, 12 parts)
- How western capitalists funded Lenin, the Bolsheviks, and the Soviet Union
- • None Dare Call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham (1971, 11 parts)
- The plan of the international bankers to create a world socialist super-state
- • The Invisible Government by Dan Smoot (1962, 15 parts)
- The Council on Foreign Relations and the plans for a one-world Socialist dictatorship
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