Monday, December 17, 2012

Great way to help out Newtown, CT.

Sandy Hook Elementary School Fund

Tilts at:
27 days 11 hours
To date:
Your credit card will only be processed if this campaign tilts.
Chris DeLetto
Champaign, IL 61820
Chris DeLetto
On the morning of December 14, 2012, there was a devastating school shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. There are 27 confirmed deaths including 20 children under 10 years old and 7 adults. This fund will send 97.5% of the proceeds raised directly to those who will need the money after this horrific event. The other 2.5% will go to Crowdtilt for hosting this fundraiser. We plan to allocate all the money collected toward a memorial fund to honor the victims and to the families to help pay for the funeral costs for their loved ones. This was the easiest and fastest way that I could think of for us all to come together and make difference. Even if you cannot make a direct donation, pass the word along and share this with your friends.

Please do not just read this and then continue on with your daily lives. Take the two seconds and pass this on so that we can all help those reeling from this tragedy when they need it most. This campaign has a max limit of 30 days and will expire on January 13, 2013, but I hope we can reach this goal in less than half that time. In less than 24 hours, we have already raised nearly 8% of our total goal!

Thank you for your support.
Chris DeLetto
Alpha Tau Omega
University of Illinois

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